Download Wechat Free
App Android, iPhone, iPad, BB, Nokia, PC Windows
App Android, iPhone, iPad, BB, Nokia, PC Windows
Download WeChat – Weixin: the best Text & Video Messaging Application and forget about other Messenger Apps. WeChat is available for all kinds of platforms. Enjoy group chat, support voice, photo, video and text messages. WeChat is the complete mobile communication and social networking app. Free, cross-platform, and full-featured, WeChat is the best way to keep in touch with your friends and family.
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WeChat is the social app which gathers all your communication and sharing tools in just one place, including images, text messages, and video calls. To experience the app fully, you’ll need to ask your friends to make use of it as well, but it’s a wonderful way to get connected with your friends.
To use WeChat, you’ll require creating a user ID along with a password, which will requires you to provide your mobile number and four-digit code which is sent via text message to you. The app will require access to your own Address Book and that is par for course with this kind of app. This interface has an extremely straightforward design, which we appreciated greatly.
Four navigation buttons are present at bottom of screen: Contacts, Chats, Social, and Setting. The Chats screen list most recent chats, thus you can continue previous conversation or begin a new one simply by tapping on Magic Wand in right corner. You can ask your friends to download this app and you’ll be able to text each other without any troubles. You’ll love the WeChat feature to move from iPhone to PC, which was just a matter of browsing the site on PC and scanning QR code using this app’s scanner. In matter of few seconds, you’ll be ready to go and chat with our WeChat friends using your PC. If you’re courageous, Social feature allows you look for other WeChat user to chat, or surf your contacts. There is an extremely simple Settings menu to update your WeChat profile, adjust privacy settings, and browse a helpful FAQ for you.
WeChat is a Chinese app developed by Tencent to exchange text and voice messages on Mobile. This app was first released in January 2011 and has been considered as the most active app by monthly active users.
The app gained popularity and reached a number of 600million active users, 70 million residing outside china as per reports collected in December 2015.
WeChat app allows you to exchange text messages, hold the screen to talk or voice message, broadcast a single message to multiple users, video conferencing, and play video games, share photographs and videos along with the location. This app allows you to share or exchange your contacts with other people who are available in the Bluetooth radius or you can connect randomly with other people in close proximity with the other social networking platforms. You can edit your Photographs using filters option and add captions. The Machine translator is also available.
Windows 10, 8, 7 and XP.
iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini.
Blackberry 5, 6, 10.